Site Partners

Great Northern Way Campus (GNWC) is a Vancouver–based collaborative partnership between four highly regarded educational institutions, the Partners.

ubcThe University of British Columbia

sfuSimon Fraser University

bcitBritish Columbia Institute
of Technology

emilycarrlogoEmily Carr University
of Art + Design


In 2001, a 6.6 hectare land package located at the False Creek flats was donated by Finning International Inc. to Emily Carr University and its three partner institutions. Presently referred to as the Great Northern Way Campus, the land is divided among the members of our partnership. The site, located on the False Creek Flats, will become Emily Carr University’s new home.

The Great Northern Way Campus will be developed into an integrated environment with training and education programs offered by each partner. The goals of the programs and plans for the campus construction are currently in development by the four institutions. Read about our partnership’s jointly owned trust, the Great Northern Way Campus Trust, which was set up in 2001, following Finning’s generous gift of 18–acres.

Emily Carr students and faculty collaborate with our Partner institutions on diverse projects.