shopping + banking

shopping + banking

In Vancouver, there’s no shortage of fresh offerings to fit every budget. Explore your neighbourhood to find your favorite local grocery store, butcher shop or fish monger!

Below are some suggestions of where to shop for quality groceries that will leave more in your wallet than pocket lint.

  Granville Island Market
  T&T Supermarket

Opening a bank account will be a part of your action plan, so we have assembled some of the top local choices below.

  Bank of Montreal

If you’ve got style on your mind, there are plenty of cool options for the budget- conscious.

  Front & Company
  Salvation Army Thrift Stores
  True Value Vintage Clothing
  Value Village
  Woo Vintage
  YWCA Thrift Store

Do you have an empty new apartment and nothing to fill it with? No problem.

  Duchesse Vintage and Such
  SPCA Thrift Store




Our faculty members are current practicing artists and designers. Ben Reeves, Paul Mathieu, Raymond Boisjoly, Landon Mackenzie and Elizabeth McIntosh all teach at Emily Carr, just to name just a few.